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How it works
· Spamkiss for users
· Spamkiss for mailpartners
· Spamkiss for spammers

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To subscribe or unsubscribe to our newsletter, just fill in your email-address. If you are using Spamkiss for your own, don't forget to fill in a valid token!

Welcome to Spamkiss.com
Do you need a means to stop the flood of unsolicited e-mail?
Spamkiss reduces spam - drastically. And it does its work where spam arises, with the Spammer himself. It relieves those who now pay for spam - the provider and the recipient. The Spamkiss System carries out a Sender-Authentication before it delivers an email to the mailbox. This offers the decisive difference from the widespread use of filters, which essentially deal with filtering spam already mailed. It is the door for the mailbox, which finally enables the user to decide with whom he wants to communicate - and with whom not!

This web site contains important information for administrators and decission makers who do have to deal with this subject.

  • An introduction to the basic principles of Spamkiss can be found under "About Spamkiss".
  • Another good source of information are the FAQ's.
  • MyToken.com is the partner - site whichs facilitates the senders of e-mail the reception of a Spamkiss Token for a mailadress.

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Your Spamkiss.com Team

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