Why this project?
We are concerned ourselves and receive hundreds of advertising mails per day. After dealing intensively with the currently available technologies to avert Spam we came to the conclusion that this can't be the way to go. Administrators "gain" an additional, very complex permanent task to cope with. An arms race, in which the Spammers constantly come out on top, is the result. We, the systems administrators only have the possibility to react but are not able to do something about the real cause. That - for a short time - might be an interesting challenge but after a while it is getting day-to-day business and as such superfluous.
Moreover we were worried about the fact, that policies and regulations are getting so confusing, that users do not know any more what to tell their communication partners what to do, to make sure that his message is not going to end up in a Junk mail folder. With every update of filter software, we as administrators make all know how the users have acquired worthless and start answering the same questions again and again. We disconnect the user from the processes that finally decide which messages they will receive and which they won't. The vision to be able to implement a system somewhere in the back-office that discharges the user completely from this subject is a nice, but unfortunately it will never become reality. As the user permanently has to deal with the negative aspects of this problem - not only the acceptance of the means of communication e-mail - but our reputation as systems administrators - too is constantly diminishing. This is a downward spiral that needs to be stopped.
This is the reason why we have decided to take a different approach. The result of those thoughts and discussions is our Spamkiss Project. We hope, that differences as well as the similarities to existing solutions are sufficiently explained in the information we provide.
It was clear from the start, that nice words would not be enough. A software is needed which implements the concept and gives the responsible administrators the possibility to do live testing. We hope that we are able to enthuse and inspire the community with our ideas to make sure that they are spread quickly.
It may have needed 25 years until everyone knew what an e-mail address is and what it does look like;
our vision is that within 10 years everyone knows what a Spamkiss token is.