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How it works
· Spamkiss for users
· Spamkiss for mailpartners
· Spamkiss for spammers

Spamkiss - how it works
One Spam email does cost a Spammer no more than 3 Micro cent.
This means that he can send out 800.000.000 Spam mails for the price of a cup of coffee.

What does the Spammer 'gain' from Spamkiss?

Let's assume the Spammer would have to invest 10 seconds to request a Token through the Requester.

10 sec

That means, to receive the Token for 800.000.000 email addresses 500 people would have to work 1 year 12 hours a day.
Even if those people would work for free and just drink one cup of coffee a day the cost would rise to 260.000 cups of coffee.
And what's the use? After John has received a single Spam message he just changes his Token. His email contacts wont even notice, but the Spammer has to start from scratch. john##fiffi@beer.net



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